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Thirsty: the Podcast

Today, Tracey Tee, founder of Moms on Mushrooms, is dropping by the Thirsty recording studio to chat all things microdosing, and, it's not what you may think. Tracey experienced her own spiritual awakening through microdosing, and she's here to share her journey, as well as the many lessons she learned along the way. The first thing to know? Tracey says it's all about waking up, not numbing out, and she's passionate about helping other moms create their happiest, healthiest selves.

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[00:00:00] Heather McG: Just a note before we get into the show, Thirsty is a podcast designed to make us think bigger and bring people's stories into the light. Today, we're talking about microdosing, an activity that is legal in some places, illegal in others. Please follow the laws as written in your state. In addition, today's topic should not be considered medical or psychological advice.

Please reach out to your personal medical or psychological professional for any questions you may have about today's subject matter. Now, with that being said, let's get into today's episode.

[00:00:38] Laura Koo: Welcome back to Thirsty the Podcast. I'm Laura Koo. 

[00:00:42] Heather McG: And I'm Heather McG. Today we're talking about Moms on Mushrooms with Tracey tee.

[00:01:04] Laura Koo: As a reminder, share Thirsty with your community, anybody who you feel would be interested in all the fun topics we're talking about this season, and remember to rate, review, and follow us wherever you get your podcasts. Hi everyone, thank you so much for joining us today. All season long, we are specifically talking about challenging subjects, ideas you may not have considered before, or stories you may not have heard about.

Today, we're talking about something that we have actually wanted to discuss for a long time. And Heather and I know nothing about this topic, 

and we could not be more excited. Yeah, today is all about microdosing, and we have wanted to discuss this topic for months, I would say, what is it, why should I think about it, why does it seem like everyone's talking about it, yet I know nothing about it.

I first heard about today's guest through a college friend of mine who has worked with you extensively, creatively, and I know the two of you are close friends, our mutual friend, Shay. Shay shared some info about what today's guest was working on, and we knew we wanted to invite her to come on the show.

So without further ado, please welcome Tracey Tee. She is the founder and steward of Moms on Mushrooms. First of all, Tracey, can you share a little bit more about who you are and what you do at Moms on Mushrooms? 

[00:02:16] Tracey Tee: Yes, thank you. And thank you for having me on this awesome podcast. And thank you, Shay for connecting us.

I'm just so honored to be here. Yeah, my name is Tracey T. I am the founder and steward of Moms on Mushrooms, which is an online, a digital platform that Aims to bring mothers together around the sacred use of plant medicine, specifically micro dosing psilocybin, and we offer courses. We offer classes, and we have a private digital community where mothers can join.

And just learn about this medicine together. It's like Facebook for moms on shroom and I live in Denver. I have a daughter who is almost 13 and no one is more surprised than me to be on this podcast talking about this. 

[00:03:04] Heather McG: I love it. And one big question that I had that I wanted to ask you about.

So we're all moms here. Laura's a mom. I'm a mom. You're a mom and your organization is all about supporting moms. Why did you decide to focus on moms specifically? 

[00:03:17] Tracey Tee: Yeah, that's a great question. First, I have been in the momosphere for for almost 13 years because I'm a mom, but I've been working exclusively in the mom space for over 10 years.

And that's what I did with Shay, who we keep talking about. I had a company called The Pump It Up Show. That was actually a live comedy show about parenting that my Shana, who's like my best friend, business partner that we wrote, created, produced and performed all over the country to sold out audiences everywhere.

And we lost all that during the lockdowns with COVID. So I have been acutely aware of the needs. And the isolation that mothers feel because our show really brought women together to laugh about the things we had in common, have in common as parents, as mothers and release that pressure valve of Oh gosh, I'm not alone.

I'm not so alone. And also we can laugh about it because a lot of it's really messed up of a lot of parenting. And part of our show was after the show, which was standing in line and taking photos and just hearing the stories of mothers. And we were just continuously surprised for years, like eight years touring of just how alone moms feel, how disconnected moms feel, how mothers don't feel like they have community how they don't feel seen, how they feel like they're failing at everything, but don't have any tools to support them.

How they don't feel like they're worthy and investing in themselves, we would cry ourselves to sleep from the stories that moms would tell. So when I started my own sort of healing journey, which kind of was a very spiritual healing journey that lasted, that started in 2018 and eventually led me to micro dosing, which led me to doing larger dose journeys, which led to me understanding what my point, my purpose is and what I should be doing. It became. abundantly clear that the next iteration of the pumping up show post COVID in this new world that we're all navigating is not to gather together necessarily and throw back a ton of vodka shots and laugh in a comedy show setting, although no judgment.

The next iteration of that is to keep that same togetherness and that same honesty, but start talking to each other and healing. And for me, I think the medicine is presenting itself in this moment in history to help with that. So I just couldn't say, I couldn't say no to the message and our umbrella brand was called band of mothers.

And that's what we really believed about banding months together. And I was in meditation in late 2021 and MOM. Mom's on mushrooms just dropped in my head and I sat up and I was like that's genius. Like certainly someone's thought of it. It wasn't me. And when I realized that mom's on mushrooms was available, it was like that sign okay, I guess I have to do this.

So that's the short, that's the short answer. And that was not short. 

[00:06:12] Heather McG: As a sign from the universe, that has been my guide at times when I've started businesses too. I'm like, the domain is available and I get the 

[00:06:18] Tracey Tee: name. The domain's available. It's a sign. You got it. It's a yep. That's the new sign from Jesus.

[00:06:26] Laura Koo: I love the kind of the art you told as far as where you started and hearing so many moms grievances and how you funneled that into because it's great to be able to share and kind of offload, but to funnel it into something that is it's a positive, constructive outlet to gain some more direction to what's going on.

I think it's really lovely because. It's good to get it all out, but then where are you going next? And it seems like you found that on your journey. And I think you alluded to this a little bit, but you started, I think, microdosing during the pandemic to cope with some big changes. And I think maybe you touched on some of those big changes, but can you tell us a little bit more about that story?

Sure. Yeah. 

[00:07:07] Tracey Tee: It's yeah, a crazy story. I was definitely one of the people, one of the the pandemic. Hit me and my family really hard, not in, in terms of business Shana and I had this amazing business. It was doing really well. We were, we had over a hundred shows booked for 2020.

We were days away from signing a contract with two Tony award winning producers to do a run in New York City that we were going to everything was work like all the projections on the spreadsheets were going from red to black. Like the tickets were selling, everything was working out, like years of hard work was finally like, Oh my gosh, we figured it out.

We were going to, we're going to do it. And then, in March, 2020, we ended up having to cancel 10 shows and then 20 shows. And within two weeks, I just watched our entire business just sift through my fingers like sand. Anyone who owns their own business knows it is absolutely like. Having it's an arm.

It's a section of your body that is part of you. It's such a deep relationship when you own your own business and grieving that and the shock of losing it so quickly with the, we didn't do anything wrong and there was nothing we could do. And then the financial implications of what we lost and having no recourse to support just losing ridiculous amounts of money that, was a real shock to the system.

And we both really mourned it in our own ways. And then you add onto that, like navigating Zoom school and all the ridiculousness that happened during that time. And then I was really, in that moment, I had been really digging deep into my own shit. And following this spiritual path and then in, this is real woo for you guys.

And then in, in June of 2020, I just had this like big, what a lot of people call like a big spiritual awakening. Like I was sitting on my couch and I honestly thought I was going to leave my body. Like I felt myself floating out of my body. My daughter and my husband were in the kitchen cleaning up and I was sitting on the couch and I just thought, Oh I guess I'm leaving now.

I, it was the strangest, most out of body experience I've ever had. And my journal was on the couch open for some reason. I crawled over to it and I wrote, I'm either losing my mind and going crazy, or I'm on the verge of a spiritual awakening. And I didn't even know what those words.

meant. And the next day, a dear friend of ours, me and Shayna's called just to check in. And she was the only person I was thinking that night when I was like going to bed and still feeling really floaty. She was the only person that I thought that maybe could answer tell me what was happening.

And then she texted the next day, like total kismet. And I was like, Oh my gosh, I've been thinking of you. This happened to me. And she just goes, can you get right now. And turns out she's. A spiritual coach and that launched me into a summer of deep excavating of myself, of my shadow, of all of like different things and just really getting clear about who I was.

And in that I felt like I was really being called to plant medicine. I had been, I'm reowning my like green witch roots. I've always loved plants my whole life. I've been into herbs and essential oils like forever. And so plants, it's a healing modality and it's not foreign to me at all, but I'd never done drugs.

And it was actually Shana who that summer. Called and said, look, we're planning a camping trip with a bunch of girls and we're going to go camping and we're going to do shrooms and you're going to put on your big girl pants and you're going to do, you're going to eat the shrooms with me. 

[00:10:37] Heather McG: That is such a best friend thing to say.

That's the 

[00:10:40] Tracey Tee: best friend thing to say. Happening. Get in the car. I got you. You got this. You're doing this. Shut up about it. And it was the best thing she could do that. And it was like the best night ever. It was so amazing. And we were on a lake and it was a beautiful Colorado summer. And I, when I was driving up to the campsite, I thought to myself if this is the experience that I think it might be like, there might be something here and it totally was and more, and I was hooked, it was so expansive, so connecting, so opening, so life affirming.

It was just great. And that really led me to think about microdosing. And that was back in a time when people still really weren't talking about it. But as a woman, as a mother, it just made sense to me. And I had a hysterectomy at 41. So I was looking at ways to mitigate the effects of that, that weren't with, I was on Wellbutrin at the time I was on an SSRI.

And so I just started looking into microdosing. I even asked my doctor, who's a functional medicine doctor. And she's yeah, you should totally do it. I just can't tell you how to do it. And so I eventually ended up signing for signing up for a course and trying this microdosing thing, like in the dark and my life just really went.

And I found that I was alchemizing grief and pain in such a different way. Like it wasn't sticking to me. It was like coming up and out. And I think a lot of what we experience in life, especially as women, especially as mothers, as we have these moments of. trauma or pain or depression or just big feelings and they come to the surface and we sit with them for a few days and we're low and then they just go back down and what I was experiencing is that they weren't going back down they were just leaving and they were gone and that's how I got started.

[00:12:20] Laura Koo: I have the most like Basic question for you that as you were talking, I'm like, I need to know this. So how do we define micro dosing versus like your first experience, which I've always heard about mushrooms, this big journey, right? And you have someone with you, who's the Sherpa who helps you go through that journey and stay safe and all of those things.

What's the difference? Like 

[00:12:40] Tracey Tee: totally. Micro dosing is. What people say is a subperceptual dose. So you're taking a low amount of psilocybin. Psilocybin is the active ingredient in magic mushrooms. You're taking a low enough amount that you're not feeling any of the like hallucinogenic effects.

Some of the new language that's coming up now is instead of subperceptual, it's non intoxicating. So you might feel it in your body in the same way you feel a cup of coffee. It's it's not affecting you adversely in any way, it's there with you. And it's a low enough amount where you're again not experiencing anything that's going to inhibit you from your day to day life versus a larger dose.

And I'll, I can tell you the dosages and a larger dose where you start to have hallucinations, you start to, see music and. or whatever. Everyone says, that is in the one gram up to three or four grams and then people, you can take them recreationally. Like I did the first time at the beach and camping and it's, people take shrooms at concerts.

That's usually like a lower kind of around a one gram dose. Where you're just really vibing with the vibe and then a larger journey or ceremony is when you are with a shaman or a healer or a facilitator and someone's guiding you through a deeply ceremonial spiritual experience on a high dose of mushrooms that Really puts you into altered state of consciousness and expansion to do a lot of like healing.

So microdosing, if that's between one and three grams, microdose is between 50 milligrams and maybe 250 milligrams. So like tiny amount. Like today I'm having a microdose and I took 50 milligrams. And the theory is that the healing properties that happen in a, an intentional journey ceremony at that high dose amount.

in theory be replicated and achieved by taking low doses more consistently over time because the medicine is still in your body and it still is rewiring your neural pathways and allowing a path for healing without having to go on the floor and cry for seven hours. 

[00:14:49] Heather McG: I feel like I do enough of that already, 

[00:14:51] Speaker 2: right?

[00:14:52] Heather McG: Okay. So something that I know you have a lot of thoughts about that. I've read some of the things you've had to say. I would love to ask you more about it. And I think we're all from, if you're a mom, I think you're familiar with us. I think we've all heard the jokes about mommy and her wine and phrases like mommy's little helper about various substances and wine culture and things like that.

And while I definitely partake at times. I know that you have some thoughts about that. The idea of waking up versus numbing out and some of the stress outlets we have as moms, can you talk about that a little bit? What your perspective is? 

[00:15:24] Tracey Tee: Yeah, thank you. And this is really coming from someone who frankly made money off of the mom wine culture, right?

Like I had a show called the pumping up show, which if you're a mom, pumping and dumping is when you pump your milk and then dump it because you have alcohol in your system. So your baby doesn't drink it, whatever. But so we certainly lived in that space of, celebrating moms getting together with some drinks and letting off some steam.

And I think it was very valuable, frankly. But what I've come to realize now that I'm a mom who talks about psychedelics and kind of the hesitation and pushback is that culturally, It has been completely accepted for a mom to have her little helper because she's just like a little sad and a little she needs something.

So we allow her to have her Valium or her Quaaludes back in the fifties or her martinis in the afternoon. Or she can go on her mommy playdates and have wine and all of that is okay because she's a little sad and she's overwhelmed. So we're going to give her this. I think it has really reinforced the idea that we're all just a little sad and need to numb out and escape.

But what we're not doing is getting to the root of that problem. The root of why are you overwhelmed? Why do you feel disconnected? Why do you need to get drunk? And I was that mom, like I have so many memories or not so many members know of Drinking two bottles of Chardonnay at three in the afternoon with like little kids running around.

It's insanity. And I wasn't in, I was in survival mode. I wasn't coping well with my life at all. And instead of saying and having a support team, that's let's get underneath that and get you to a place where you can. It was just okay for me to do the other thing. So we associate that kind of culture and that kind of way of doing things with.

microdosing or psychedelics, and it's actually just there's no comparison because psychedelics or, and I'll just talk about me microdosing psilocybin. There's no numbing out at all. It rips the bandaid off the mask off the, all of it. And it brings Everything to the surface for you to acknowledge and recognize and release, and it makes you more present, not less present.

It makes you feel your feelings, not less feelings. It makes you clear headed, not foggy headed. So it's the opposite of what alcohol does. But we keep associating it, but somehow because of the narrative of, the dairy years and that psilocybin is a schedule one drug, we don't allow it to be the healing modality that it is so that we, so now I think there's this pervasive sense of like looking down at mothers who are choosing to microdose, but it's just.

It's not even the same energy behind it. 

[00:18:04] Heather McG: Does that make sense? Yeah. You're making me think about, I think we all have like different ways of going in, like going deeper into what's going on with me. And I know Laura and I feel comfortable speaking for you, Laura, cause I feel confident that you are also this kind of person.

We don't run away from stuff, and I think we've each found, certain things to help us go deeper into dealing with things that we are struggling with, things we're trying to sort through, and for me, it's working out. If I am, like, sorting through things in my head, I have activities I do that help me confront it and get into it.

And I think that is no matter what it is, no matter what your activity is, are you using it to go deeper? Are you going in to sort things out? Are you Trying to get out of it. And I am not someone that's going to say escaping is always the wrong answer. We all need a little escape at times, but if it's the choice you're always making, maybe there's more of a balance of going in and, taking a little break from things and you're, if you're doing both and moving forward and figuring things out, then that's good.

[00:18:59] Speaker 2: But if you're 

[00:18:59] Heather McG: always trying to hit the eject button, then maybe there's another thing to try that will actually make your life better. Maybe you won't want to escape quite so often. 

[00:19:09] Tracey Tee: Yeah, and I think, we live in a culture where, we've just been told that. Escape really is the only option.

And then that's why we're seeing this mental health crisis, especially in mothers happening. And then we're seeing over medication happening to women who, and I, look, I was on an SSRI. I know they're helpful, but they are the exception, not the rule, I believe. And. There absolutely needs to be an out clause when you're prescribed an SSRI and it's a big, it's a big deal to take it and we've just diminished the big dealness and just passed out bottles of pills to women.

We've been doing it for generations, frankly, and we're not getting to the root of it. We're not saying, okay, you might need this help. You need to, things need to calm down in your life so that you're not overwhelmed so you can focus so that you can go deeper. And that is an ally. That's really good.

But we have to have a game plan. And so you're right. Just hitting the eject button and that eject button looks different for everyone too. And what we, and then we're conditioned to say. You're just hysterical. If you have these big feelings, you're a little bit hysterical or crazy. If you're overwhelmed and have anxiety or I need to I need to diagnose this versus I'm just a human having a human experience is going through some really tough times right now.

And like staying in that space until you figure it out. 

[00:20:30] Heather McG: Yeah. And doing that work is really hard. I was also on the SSRI for a period of time because I needed it, like a lot of times when I deal with my stuff, it's through working out and eating healthy and that was not cutting it at a particular time in my life.

So I needed it. But yeah, I don't know that there's enough discussion about there was a cost. I was able to get off of it eventually, but it was really hard getting on and getting adjusted. The side effects were almost as bad as what it was treating. And then coming off of it was a whole thing as well.

And honestly, the whole experience of getting on, getting through my, time when I really needed it and coming off of it took a solid two years, I would say it was a whole big thing and it was so hard. And the other thing that, just to say out loud and in the spirit of sharing, confronting these things, it's a lot of work.

It's not easy. And that doesn't mean it's not worthwhile. Like I think sometimes I, at times in my life, I've done this where I feel like something is hard, so I'm not going to do it. A lot of times, the hard stuff is the right thing you're supposed to be doing. If it's hard, you should probably look at it and confront it and be, it takes bravery, it takes work, it takes being vulnerable, and really sitting with things and being open to figuring it out.

Which, when you're a mom, who has time for that? It's so hard. It's so valuable. It takes time. 

[00:21:43] Tracey Tee: Yeah. And it takes time. It takes creating space to allow that contemplation. However, that looks for you to happen. And you're right. Like you just, we just, that is the last on our priority list.

And then it's reinforced that we're told. That should be lost on your priority list. Like what? She's going to this and this week, like what were her kids? Like it's constant. So that and that's what I see is, and then I see women come into moms on mushrooms who are so turned around and upside down that they don't even know where to start.

And as a culture, we don't have any. We are not wired to support each other during hard times. We don't celebrate and hold space for grief like other cultures do. We don't celebrate and hold space for new mothers like other cultures do for postpartum depression or just postpartum fricking life.

We don't hold space for these big life transitions and that stuff piles up. 

[00:22:42] Laura Koo: I think as moms, too, we just sit in a space of mom guilt constantly. So taking time for yourself for, again, a workout or whatever that thing is that's going to center you and help you you feel guilty taking that time.

I'm taking that time away from my kids. I, all of that, because as we know, also with mom there's no balance in our lives. And that's where it's so challenging to find all of those pieces of yourself and be a good mom and whatever else is happening. 

[00:23:08] Heather McG: I really think that gets in the way that mom guilt stuff really gets in the way.

And I'm a little embarrassed to say there have been times where like Laura and I have been talking about something that's going on in our lives. And one of us has actually had to say to the other person, Hey, FYI, you also matter you as a person also matter. And I know you're, I'm going to cry a little bit.

You're giving up everything for your kids. And we do that. It's oh, this is so hard. You know what? It's okay to go home. It's okay to take a nap. It's okay to go to the doctor. It's okay to do these things. It's okay to get your kids and with a babysitter while you go to the gym. That is actually okay to do that.

You also matter as a human being. I, and this bothers me. This is something I'm all on my soapbox about. We talk about self care like a glass of wine, and a bubble bath, and candles, and manicures, and that stuff is great, it really is, but to me, the important self care happens with going to the doctor, flossing, going, going and taking care of yourself in ways that really make a big difference in your life.

In addition to the just fun, fluffy stuff like that, and also like after divorce, and I'm a big evangelist for this. A lot of women after divorce don't use protection. And guess what? The rates of getting accidentally pregnant and STIs are actually very high for women in their forties after divorce because they're not taking care of themselves.

And there's, I think there's an element to there and the common thread, I'm bringing it back to our conversation here, is that at root, I don't know if a lot of moms feel like they matter. And they're just surviving every day and they don't do those things to take care of themselves, like figuring out their stuff, trying to figure out why they're trying to escape and taking care of their mental state.

I think that's not something that's at the top of a lot of people's list. And it's, 


[00:24:48] Tracey Tee: I'm not sure I matter. And then even deeper and often almost darker is I'm not sure I know who I am. Like, who am I? Am I am a woman? I am a person. I have a name. One of the most profound parts of Barbie for me was when Ken just, it literally makes me cry to think about it.

When Ken was like, I am Ken. And she's and I'm just Barbie. Like you have a name, you have a soul, you have a heart, you have a brain, you have a purpose. And you can have more than one purpose. Like your purpose is to be a mother, obviously. And then you have other purposes, you have human purposes, and when we're not allowed to declare like who we are, and of course you don't think you matter if you don't know who you are, and how do you find out who you are?

You got to get really real with yourself. You've got to get, like you said, vulnerable, you have to take space, you have to know your why, you have to look at the mirror and look back and say who is she? Who is she? Who is staring at me and what does she want? What does she believe? What does she stand for?

And what are her passions? What are her gifts? And those go so far beyond being a mother and they have everything to do with being a mother. But when you realize those things can you imagine what kind of mom you become when you are raising a child or children with. Knowing your gifts and your purpose and who you are, that's that's being a bad ass mom, and all of that happens when we strip away these layers of expectation and permissions that we can do something like you can work out so that you can be skinny so that you can be a good mom or a hot mom, you can work so that you can be successful so that you can be a super mom, you can Have the most beautiful home so that you can feel so that everyone can admire you so that you can be an amazing stay at home mom.

But it's all like these linear paths that aren't getting to the root of who you 

[00:26:56] Heather McG: are. Oh, got emotional there. We do have some listener questions for you, Tracey. Cause we put out a call. We're like, what do you guys want to know about? And we have a lot of people that are really excited to hear more about this and just a lot of things to consider.

We have one listener question from a person who wanted to know, is it possible to lead a normal everyday existence, such as being a mom, working all the other things we need to do while also having a micro dosing practice? 

[00:27:21] Tracey Tee: Yes. And that is the goal. That is the point is to never be high like I can't state enough that when you're microdosing, mom's not much.

It's like we're not high. You're not high. Yeah, the point is that it's a helper and it's an ally that you're co creating with, so that you can do all of those things actually better. You're more clear headed, a lot of people with ADD or neurodivergence really find microdosing beneficial because it gives you that focus.

You have more expansive creative thoughts, which helps you solve problems or do projects more creatively, and you find yourself to be more present because you're not as overwhelmed. I always say that microdosing softens the frayed edges around. And we, as mothers, as we have lots of frayed edges.

And when those kind of soften, you actually become better at what you're doing. So yes, the answer is yes. And if you're, if you can't do that, you're taking too much. And microdosing is a very active, it's like a co creation. And so but it's also slow medicine. It's not just taking Advil and sitting back and waiting for the headache to go.

It is having intention while taking it and saying this is what I want to heal. This is what I want to fix. This is what I want to work on. The medicine is going to help me. It's not going to do it for me. But yes. If you can't drive your car, you've taken way too much, which is why you start low, go slow, find a program that you can follow, whether it's moms on mushrooms or anybody else and like really take your time with it and learn how it feels in your body.

[00:28:47] Laura Koo: We have another listener question from Jenny and she wants to know how often do you see people microdose? Is it daily, weekly, some other cadence? 

[00:28:56] Tracey Tee: Yeah. That's such a good question. Again, I think that's part of the unlearning that we're being asked to do because we looked at microdosing through the Western allopathic medical model and it's not really like that.

It's not like a prescription that you have to take at the same time every day for the rest of your life. There are some protocols out there created by dudes whom I admire very much but yeah. For me, it feels like a protocol is reinforcing a model that isn't necessarily working. So what I prefer to do is I have a mom protocol.

I don't even like using the word protocol. It's like onboarding again, where you start low, you take it maybe a couple of days, and then you work your way up to something that works for you as you start to intuitively understand what feels good in your body. But I will say the number one rule that everyone follows.

That's absolutely the most important is you. Never ever take it every day. You always need days off or integration days because the whole point of micro dosing is that you're rewiring in your neural pathways, you're changing toxic behaviors, you're changing behaviors you don't like, and the only way you can actually reinforce those is To see them in action in real time without the medicine in your body.

And so the days off are actually some of the most profound days for a lot of microdosers versus the days on, because you're actually implementing the lessons that you're learning and you're telling yourself, you're reinforcing to yourself, wow, I can do this. I just reacted to that situation totally differently than I ever have.

And I did it like I did it. And that's the point. So you never want to 

[00:30:28] Laura Koo: take it more than five days a week staying. Yeah, it sounds like there's a lot of balance to navigate to, like you said, to be able to understand the impact rather than just always being on something and not understanding what's actually happening.

We know that there's some somewhat legal things around mushrooms and microdosing that it's legal, I think, in Colorado and Oregon. And then California, Washington, Michigan, and Massachusetts have decriminalized the drug at the local level. As we know, with a lot of things, even with cannabis, there's a lot of nuance to win and how you can use something.

I think that also keeps a stigma around it of trying to understand again, what you can and cannot do. How do you look at that or talk about that with moms on mushrooms as far as. 

[00:31:19] Tracey Tee: Sure. And just to clarify, it's still decriminalized in Colorado. And it's like a hybrid of decriminalized and legal in Oregon is I understand a lot and they're very complicated and I'm not a lawyer, but decriminalization generally means that you can gift it, you can gather it and you can grow it.

You can't sell it. And that if you are caught with it. You are on the lowest rung of like law enforcement priority. And there's actually many, yeah, like you said, on the local level many counties and cities across the country, a lot in Massachusetts, a lot of Michigan some in California. And then California is about, hopefully about to pass a statewide decriminalization bill that will go into effect in 2025.

And so it lessens the the repercussions of having psilocybin. So There is no way to talk about it except that I fully believe in personal autonomy and sovereignty and there, you have to just decide if it fits right for you. And I also think like on a more macro level that my vision for Moms on Mushrooms is when a million mothers stand behind us and we show the faces of women who are working with psychedelics to heal for the betterment of mental health, especially moms.

And we're saying, look, we're not, this is our kid, we're good moms and declare it and stand behind it publicly. I think it will become legal very quickly because when moms stand behind anything, any type of cause it, things move real quick when we believe in it. So 

[00:32:49] Heather McG: on Tracey's, we're starting to wrap up here, big picture, what has been perhaps your biggest lesson throughout your personal microdosing journey?

[00:32:59] Tracey Tee: I think the first thing that comes to mind is just leading with love. And I think that this is absolutely, it's heart medicine and I didn't really live in my heart for a long time. I lived in my head and when you move from your head to your heart. And you leave from this space, you make decisions from this space, you listen from this space, you love from the space.

It's actually very easy for us to love from our heads. Everything changes the world just looks so differently. And when you allow your heart to crack open and trust that you will live through whatever needs to come out and that you're not going to die. If you cry, you're not going to die.

If you acknowledge your trauma or your feelings, you're not going to die. If you let out your rage, like you will make it through. And on the other side of that is so much peace and beauty. And then the lesson is carrying that with you every single day, whether you're taking medicine or not is leading from the heart space of love.

And with that comes compassion comes connection. comes dropping the judgment and really seeing people for the soul and individual that they are rather than the number or the cause or the thing that you think they represent. You drop all those stories and you just listen to what your heart knows.

And it's a practice that will only, you know, that I will fail at for the rest of my life, but that I'm like. Finally, deeply committed to because I see the benefit 

[00:34:38] Heather McG: that's beautiful. That's a good thought to go out on. I think now for all of our listeners, doctors say that people who are interested in micro dosing should always talk to their medical provider.

1st, to get an accurate understanding of risk. benefits based on their specific medical history, as well as following local laws. We agree with that. But to close this out, we really want to thank you, Tracey, for joining us. Tracey, can you share where listeners can find you to get to know you and your work a little bit better?

And we'll put this in the show notes too. 

[00:35:05] Tracey Tee: Yeah. Moms on mushrooms. com. Everything is there. There is information there about how to join our private community. It's all off social. It's really affordable and it's beautiful. It's hundreds and hundreds of mothers just learning together.

I'm really not interested in being a guru or an influencer. I think we can do this. I think we can learn this together if we just start listening. So moms on mushrooms. com. And if you want to be on social, I am at moms on mushrooms official on Instagram. That 

[00:35:33] Heather McG: was the sign from the heavens that it was, that was your name.

I know. 

[00:35:38] Tracey Tee: Yep. 

[00:35:40] Laura Koo: All right. Thank you, Tracey, for joining us and thank you to all of our listeners for learning more about microdosing today. That was a really fun conversation. 

[00:35:48] Heather McG: Yeah. And that's our time for today. Join us next week and let us know what you thought about today's episode. We will be back next Monday.

Have a great week. Thanks everyone. Thanks everyone. 

[00:36:00] Laura Koo: Still thirsty? You can find us on Instagram and Facebook at Thirsty the Podcast. 

[00:36:06] Heather McG: Share this show with your community. Rate, review, and follow us wherever you get your podcasts.

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