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Microdosing 101 For Moms

Hello, mama!
y name is Tracey Tee and I am the founder and steward of Moms on Mushrooms. I am so glad you're here! 

A bit about me: I’ve been married for 21 years, and I’m the proud mother of a 12-year-old daughter. I have two dogs, I am a Colorado native, I love to cook, I'm a total book nerd and this medicine changed my life. But oh my goodness, it was so confusing learning about microdosing, especially as a mother. We have our own set of concerns, our own set of fears, and this medicine is just different when you work with it as a mom. There is so much information out there right now, and I totally understand that it is confusing and overwhelming.

That’s exactly why I created this Microdosing 101 course for moms, so that you get the how, the what and the why...all through the lens of motherhood.


My prayer is that this 101 course helps make some sense about the psychedelic revolution we’re witnessing, and provides easy to understand and relevant information empowering you to decide whether or not you want to start on the path of microdosing. 

And when you do… Moms on Mushrooms is so here for you.


Dive in and enjoy!

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Bringing moms together through the sacred use of plant medicine for a shared journey of personal growth and healing.

“Microdosing 101 For Moms” is a your easy, simple and straightforward introduction to microdosing – written BY a mom, exclusively FOR moms, with access to a beautiful, diverse community of mothers eager to support you along the way.


If you are feeling the call to plant medicine, but have NO IDEA where to start -  this is your best first step towards a new relationship with plant medicine!

Microdosing 101 for Moms: So You Never Have To Google "Microdosing" Again

If you’ve ever googled “microdosing” or worse - tried to follow #psilocybin on the ‘gram, I bet you quickly realized what a terrible idea that was. There’s just SO. MUCH. INFORMATION…and outside of the confusion and overwhelm of where to start and who to trust, some of what is out there is just downright, well, trippy.


As mothers, we come to this medicine with a different set of concerns and with a WHOLE lot of very relevant and important questions. Trust me. I’ve been there. That’s why I started Moms on Mushrooms in the first place, and why I wrote this simple intro course…because I know where you’re at right now.
And I want to help.

Woman with hands on her head at laptop

Mama, I've Got You.

Women walking together with arms behind each other

This Isn't a Magic Pill, and This Isn't Something to Take Lightly

When someone approaches microdosing without the proper education and without intention, it's usually not what they were expecting. With microdosing, you get out of the medicine what you put into the medicine, but education is critical.


This isn’t going to be a college course on psychedelic medicine, but it will condense a lot of confusing scientific terminology and even more conflicting information into a simple guidebook
through the lens of being a mom.


Definitions, dosage, pertinent questions answered, and access to trusted sources so you can continue your research are all a click away, with access to the materials for life.

You may be thinking, feeling...

"This is crazy that I'm even called to this. Who am I to be a mom who microdoses?"

“I shouldn't be spending so much time and energy thinking about myself when there's everyone else to take care of.”

“Is this whole thing bad? Am I wrong? Will I get addicted or go crazy? Does this make me a bad mom?”

“Something about this just feels right, and I’m ready to make a positive change in my life…but I want to make sure I am safe and doing this the right way.”

You're not alone…


I’ve discussed all these thoughts with hundreds of moms, and I’ve definitely thought them myself. It may be that you’ve been able to piece some information together about the science and protocols of microdosing, but now it’s time to feel empowered and reassured by someone who shares your same life experience as well as learn why integration is so important - especially as moms.

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Microdosing 101 is for you if...


You’re feeling the call to plant medicine, but don’t know where to start


You keep hearing about this microdosing thing, but don’t have time to go down a rabbit hole


You just want a trust-worthy source to give you the deets, without feeling pressured to start


You’ve been doing your own research, but don’t quite understand how to apply it to your own specific life


You have questions about dosage, terminology, how microdosing might affect your health, and how it might impact your parenting


You’re wondering if other moms are actually microdosing and how they do it

If you're nodding your head "yes," stick with me because I want to show you what is possible for you and your healing journey. With Microdosing 101, I will walk you through the steps to take so you can go from an overwhelmed mom to a confident mom who finally gets all the answers she needs when it comes to the sacred practice of microdosing mushrooms.

Image by Yousef Espanioly

When You Finish The Course You Will Have:

A LOT of your questions answered

I will address questions like "What IS a microdose?" to "How much should I take?"

An exclusive 'M.OM. Protocol'

It’s hard to start something so new and unknown without a bit of a plan to follow. I provide you with a literal flow chart that guides you through your first three weeks of microdosing…starting low and going slow so you feel safe from Day One. (And of course you can always join our community or a cohort for additional support.)

Just enough science, for now

M.O.M.'s 101 course was created by a mom JUST LIKE YOU. In this course I don’t go in the weeds with tons of neuroscience, but provide enough of the basics in an easy format for you to understand how psilocybin works in the body. At the end I encourage you to empower yourself to continue your research through a list of sources I trust, and refer to often myself.

Visual Inspo

Whether it’s videos of personal shares from me, graphics to help you visualize dosage, vetted videos from outside sources or even inspirational art to spark your journey, you’ll have a multi-media experience to make your learning fun. (We are talking about shrooms after all ;)

Helpful Tips to Keep You Going

Because of the unique “mom” perspective, and the fact that I’ll be adding more resources and information in the future, you can treat this 101 course as a launchpad, or add it to your digital library as additional support to your existing practice.

Most Of All, Microdosing 101 For Moms is Just Easy

Once you've gotten to understand some of the basics, I'm certain you'll start to lean into how you might want to create your own microdosing practice, and watch yourself GROW.


And, as this is a living course that you’ll have access to for life, you have the benefit of revisiting it as I add new sections and more information.


If you're open to lots of transformation and want an easy-to-understand and easy-to-integrate path forward, Microdosing 101 is for you.

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With so much info in one place, This affordable course is a no-brainer

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Is microdosing right for you? Ultimately you’re the only person who can answer that question, but the M.O.M. mission is to make sure you’re empowered, educated and supported as you explore this practice.


MD101 for Moms is the first step in giving yourself permission to be a MOM ON MUSHROOMS so you can show up as the best version of yourself for your family. 




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Microdosing 101 for Moms


Module 1 - Getting Started

What exactly IS a microdose? What IS psilocybin? What are the benefits? What are the potential side effects? Will I be high? And more…


Module 2 - Science (but just enough before your brain starts hurting)

Breaking down how psilocybin works in your brain, general dosage charts, intro to magic mushroom strains and more.


Module 3 - Intention

Why intention an integration are your top priorities (especially as a mom) and how to implement them without having to totally change your life.


Module 4 - Psilocybin beyond Microdosing

Tracey’s personal thoughts on psychoactive plant medicine, macro doses and journeying in ceremony. 


Module 5 - Resources

Additional resources, videos, podcasts, playlists and more! 


Future Modules added for FREE

You have lifetime access to these materials for a one-time price, including all updates or improvements. Research and writing are my main passions, so you can bet that there will be lots more info added to the living course you’re about to purchase! 


When You Add It All Up, You're Getting a Lifetime of Information
With a Value of at Least $200

When you purchase today, you can instantly access Microdosing 101 for just... $44




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1. De-stigmatize Psychedelics, Especially for Moms

We can't move forward in healing and raising our consciousness if we're smothered in fear, guilt, shame and old programming around the use of psychedelics or the act of self healing. Speaking out and standing up for this journey is our #1 mission.


2. Promote Safe, Intentional and Sacred Use of Psychedelics

This happens with continued education, conversation and dedication to using plant medicine as an ally and guide, rather than viewing it as a quick fix, magic bullet or crutch.


3. Remain in Humble Service to Others, Always

M.O.M. was created so mothers can come together to heal with the help of this medicine. Being of service is the future of soul-centered "business" and where we see infinite possibilities for a changed world. Above all else: serve, give, share, connect, lead with love. In other words: it's not about any one person. It's about all of us.


4. Teach and Promote Reciprocity, Responsibility and Respect

The simplest form of reciprocity is to be of service. This means giving back inside our community and giving back to those who have worked for years underground to lay the foundation for M.O.M. to even exist.  Respect is critical, as this is slow medicine which brings us back to the Mother Earth, to God and Source, and to each other. We have a responsibility to humbly honor this practice and those who teach it, those who mindfully cultivate it, to Great Mother Earth who provides it, and to the Divine healing that comes from it.

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Questions Fellow Moms Asked Before Diving Into Microdosing 101

What is M.O.M?

M.O.M. (Moms On Mushrooms) is an educational platform and community of moms interested in learning about the safe and intentional use of psychedelic mushrooms. Our mission is to de-stigmatize psychedelics, promote safe and sacred use, and remain in service to others.

What does M.O.M offer?

We offer a private digital community, programs and courses. You may join "The Grow” our monthly membership which provides unlimited access to our community page with hundreds of like-minded moms, access to expert advisors, live Q&A's, access to our Resource Garden, Video Garden, myco-inspired meditations, high vibe playlists, and exclusive offers from trusted partners and practitioners. (Think of it like FB for moms on shrooms but without all the social media insanity.)


We also offer a three-month small group microdosing course called Microdosing for Moms Course.1: Your Journey Begins. This is a beautiful and intimate container offered several times a year designed to hold space for you and give you the support you need to truly integrate plant medicine into your life. Course.1 is where the magic happens.


When you join our monthly membership you’ll be the first to know about ALL our amazing offerings, get invited to in-person meetups, and have access to beautiful digital gatherings so you can connect with other moms and learn other healing modalities such as breathwork, yoga, journaling and more.

What is Microdosing 101?

Microdosing 101 is a course that covers all aspects of microdosing, including what a microdose is, how much to take, safety concerns and side effects, and practical tips for integration. The course also includes an exclusive M.O.M Protocol and dosage guidelines.

How much does Microdosing 101 cost?

Microdosing 101 is a $200 value, but we offer it for just $44.

Who can benefit from M.O.M and M.O.M Offerings?

The M.O.M Community and courses are designed exclusively for moms who are interested in exploring the safe and intentional use of psychedelic mushrooms as a tool for personal growth, healing, and spiritual practice. If you are simply curious about microdosing and don’t know where to start, our private and safe digital community “The Grow” is a perfect place to start. We believe that beginning a microdosing journey should be done with guidance, support and in community. We believe that our three-month microdosing cohort courses are the absolute perfect way to learn about microdosing and create a safe, intentional practice.

Is any information or discussion inside Moms on Mushrooms intended to be medical advice?

No, the information and discussions inside Moms on Mushrooms are not intended to be medical advice. The information contained in this course is for educational purposes only and does not constitute the practice or offering of any type of medicine or any type of mental health service. We provide access to resources, anecdotal findings based off lived experiences, and conduct thoughtful conversations with experts in the psychedelic, wellness and parenting space. Members are in charge of the choices they make for their body and health.

Why just moms?

Moms juggle a unique combination of stressors and carry burdens that are in many ways much more complex than other 'groups'. The experience of being a mother is often hard to describe or understand for the individual, which often leads to deep levels of unhappiness, unease and loneliness. In Tracey’s 10+ years of working with and around mothers inside the parenting sector,  she believes that when moms come together in a shared spirit of unity and vulnerability, extraordinary healing can happen within a safe container of shared motherhood experiences.


In this critical time of both collective division and collective awakening we believe mothers need a strong community in which each woman can start to heal from not only the unique and overwhelming difficulties of our time, but also begin to shed her ancestral traumas as well. It the M.O.M. team’s deepest desire to be of service to mothers while in union with entheogenic medicine during this exciting time on our planet.

Tracey Tee Headshot

Permission Granted.

I am honored that you've found yourself here!


I am not a guru, influencer, life coach or healer. I consider myself to be a lifelong student of spirituality, plant medicine and health, and I come to you as a humble teacher + guide who finds immense joy in being of service to moms.


The mycelial network has worked its way into, around, and through my heart, guiding me to extend its network around moms. With all the respect I can muster, I accept the offer to work with Its medicine as the foundation of this new work with mothers. The old ways, paradigms and narratives that have permeated our culture are crumbling away and there is a palpable rise in Divine Feminine energy waiting for us to co-create a new and more sustainable way of life. I see mothers at the forefront of creating this burgeoning New Earth.


Mothers stepping into their own sovereignty and their birthright of happiness.


Mothers who recognize that there is something greater than ourselves out there in the Universe.


Mothers who value communication, vulnerability, courage and love, and who are willing to weave it into every fiber of their lives.


Mothers willing to raise our children in a new way that is detached from toxic patriarchal, corporate and religious dogma.


Mothers facing their trauma and letting it go for good.


Mothers detached from fear. Mothers who want to live free.


Those are big exclamations, I know. But the good news is we can start small. All it takes is you, me and a few other amazing, confused, broken, powerful, intelligent, funny, soulful, grieving, curious, open-hearted moms gathering together to learn and talk it out with love at the center of all things.


I hope you give yourself permission to join us.

Tracey Tee

Let's do this!

Join Microdosing 101 Today






The information provided on this website does not and is not intended to, constitute legal or medical advice. All information, content, and materials available on this site are for general educational and informational purposes only.

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©2023 Moms On Mushrooms

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